Prof. (Dr.) Bimal N. Patel, Vice-Chancellor Prof.(Dr.) Kalpesh. H. Wandra, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dr. Dharmeshkumar D. Prajapati I/c Registrar Dr. Anand Kumar Tripathi University Dean (I/c) Cdr. Manoj Bhatt (Retd), Director (Accreditation & Affiliation) Maj Gen Deepak Mehra, Kirti Chakra, AVSM, VSM (Retd.) Director, School of Internal Security and SMART Policing (SISSP) Maj Gen (Dr) RK Raina, Sena Medal (Veteran) Director, School of Internal Security, Defence & Strategic Studies (SISDSS) Dr. S L Vaya, Lifetime Professor, SBSFI & Project Head, SASTRA Prof. (Dr.) Priyanka Sharma Dean, Extension and Distance learning Lt. (Dr.) Gaurav Singh Kushwah Dean (Research & Publications) & Director NCC and Head of Sports Fields, Amenities and Gym Branch Dr. Dimple T. Raval Director-in-charge, School of Criminal Law and Military Law (SCLML) Mr. Ravish Shah Director – International Cooperation and Relations Branch (ICRB) Ms.Dharati Dholariya Dean, Directorate of Professional Development and Training Dr. Mahesh A Tripathi Director, School of Behavioural Sciences and Forensic Investigations (SBSFI) Dr. Jatin Patel Director, School of Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security (SITAICS) Mr. Nimesh Dave Director, School of Private, Industrial and Corporate Security Management (SPICSM) Dr. Aparna Varma Director, School of International Cooperation, Security and Strategic Languages (SICSSL) Dr. Purnima Joshi, Director In-charge, School of Physical Education and Sports(SPES)