Amb P.S.Raghavan

Fmr Ambassador to Russia &
Chairman, National Security Advisory Board
Emeritus Resource Faculty, School of International Cooperation, Security and Strategic Languages (SICSSL).


A former Diplomat and Ambassador, P.S.Raghavan is Chairman, National Security Advisory Board of India. He had diplomatic assignments in USSR, UK, Poland, South Africa and Vietnam, and was Ambassador to Czech Republic, Ireland and Russia. He was Joint Secretary in the Prime Minister’s Office (2000-2004), dealing with foreign affairs, nuclear energy, space, defence and national security.

As Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs (2013-14), he steered India’s external economic relations and the Administration, Security and e-governance departments. He founded and headed the Development Partnership Administration, which coordinates India’s economic partnership with developing countries.

P.S.Raghavan graduated in Physics from St Stephen’s College, Delhi and also studied Electronics & Communications Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He is a Member of the Academic Council of the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore and a Distinguished Fellow with the Vivekananda International Foundation, New Delhi.