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Ensuring the emergence of Rashtriya Raksha University as the Global Address for Security Education by setting the highest quality standards in consultation with security stakeholders; through experiential learning; addressing problem statements of security organizations; and overall strengthening the National Security Architecture.


The University Dean’s Office strives to undertake the following as its Mission:

  • Strengthen and update existing Academic Programmes through continuous deliberations with all the Schools, Off-Campuses, and relevant stakeholders.
  • Ideate, support, and launch New Academic Programmes in the domain of Security with inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary underpinnings.
  • Initiate and monitor Innovative Teaching Pedagogy including best practices of Experiential Learning and Case Study Method; Examination and Evaluation Methodology; and Overall Academic Quality Enhancement.
  • Work along the lines of the National Education Policy (NEP 2020) for providing choices, encouraging critical thinking and creativity, leveraging technology, and connecting with the architecture of the Academic Bank of Credits (ABC).
  • Steer affiliation, accreditation, and certification endeavours of the University particularly with security organizations.
  • Strive for global standards through sharing and developing ideas with international institutes of repute.
  • Strengthen the Alumni Connect through the RRU Council of Alumni Relation & Engagement (RCARE).

Transform Student Support and Alumni Branch (SSAB) to create and maintain a robust Student Support Ecosystem with Service Orientation through SMART i.e., a Simplified, Meticulous, Accountable, Reliable, and Transparent approach.

Action Plan of University Dean’s Office
(Student Support and Alumni Branch, Accreditation, Assessment and Affiliation Branch, CAPFs, CPOs, SPOs, UTPOs) for 2023-24
Sr. No. Action Plan
1. The implementation of provisions of National Education Policy (NEP 2020) including the flexibility of entry and exit, providing choices, encouraging critical thinking and creativity, leveraging technology and connecting with the architecture of Academic Bank of Credits (ABC).
2. Ideate, Support and Launch New Academic Programmes in the domain of Security with inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary underpinnings.
3. Admission Brochure to be Updated with New Course List and Details
4. Creating and maintaining a robust Student Support Ecosystem with service orientation.
5. RbTU (Research Based Teaching University) Presentations to be organised for Academic Year 2023-24 for around 100 Faculty Members in Odd and Even Semesters in coordination with VC Office.
6. Faculty Development Programmes to be organised in collaboration with respective Schools.
7. Encourage Faculty Members for preparing Compendium of Case Studies in their respective Courses – aiming to come out with around 100 Case Studies.
8. Bring International Practices of Experiential Learning.
9. Ensuring smooth functioning of Classes and Examination process.
10. Strengthening the mechanism of CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) with more choices to the students in coordination with CBCS Leadership Team.
11. Will work upon 3C Model (Co-operation, Co-ordination, and Collaboration) along with the respective Schools.
12. Facilitate Schools for implementing Scholarship Scheme.
13. Organize Colloquium Lecture Series.
14. Mentoring new appointees to gel with the University mandate and to bring their best for University.
15. Making University Teaching Excellence Awards (first initiated in 2021-22) more robust with added criteria.
16. Capacity Building/Training Program for our own Staff.
17. Monitoring: –
  • Innovative Teaching Pedagogy
  • Examination and Evaluation Methodology
  • Overall Quality Enhancement
  • 18. Bring III (Inspire, Innovate and Ideate) ethos in all activities.
    19. Regular Interaction with Faculties for Academic Quality Enhancement.
    20. Orientation programs to be organised for Fresher’s.
    21. Rationalisation of Faculty workload.
    22. Digitization of School Records.
    23. Implementation of ERP for Admission as well as Academic Activities.
    24. MOUs with all the CAPFs (7).
    25. Will reach out to all the SPOs (28) for MOUs.
    26. Will reach out to all the CPOs for MOUs.
    27. Will reach out all the UTPO’s (8) for MOUs.
    28. Affiliation Agreements to be signed with Security Organizations (CAPFs, SPOs and UTPOs).
    29. Will organise CAPFs’-DGs’ Conference/Meet at RRU.
    30. Accreditation of at least one Training Course from the Organizations with whom MOUs will be signed.
    31. Training of 1000 CAPF/SPO personnel in collaboration with Dean Training and Executive Development and all the Schools.
    32. Joint Certification/Award of Diplomas for In-Service participants.
    33. Strengthening the Alumni Connect through RRU Council of Alumni Relation & Engagement (RCARE).
    Academic Affiliations
    Rashtriya Raksha University and Delhi Police
    Degree Diploma in Police Administration and Investigation
    Conferred 4870 Constables (22-02-2023)
    Batch 1
    Academic Year 2022 – 23
    Rashtriya Raksha University and Delhi Police
    Degree PG Diploma in Police Administration and Investigation
    Conferred 357 Sub-Inspectors (16-02-2022)
    Batch 1
    Academic Year 2022 – 23
    Rashtriya Raksha University and National Security Guard
    Degree Diploma in Counter Terrorist Operations
    Conferred 587 NSG Commandos (17-07-2022)
    Batch 1
    Academic Year 2022 – 23
    Sr. No. Name of Organisation Date of Signing
    1. National Disaster Response Force 8th February 2023
    2. Indo – Tibetan Border Police Force 8th February 2023
    3. Border Security Force 16th January 2023
    4. Himachal Pradesh Police 22nd November 2022
    5. Assam Police In Line
    6. Haryana Police In Line
    7. Electronics and Mechanical Engineers (EME) SISDSS Initiative
    8. Army Institute of Physical Training (AIPT) SPES Initiative

    An academic project called Research Based Teaching University (RbTU) places a strong focus on faculty members and teaching cum research associate’s preparation for the semester and assigned subject. The Vice Chancellor is present when the RbTU is presented by the faculty/school, which highlights the members’ goals for the academic year preparation, planning, research and innovation. The RbTU ensures the quality education, supervision on envisioned academic initiatives and inclusion of practical and real time learning.

    RbTU Format
    Off Campuses & Courses

    1. Rashtriya Raksha University, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh

    Rashtriya Raksha University, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh
    Sr. No Academic Courses Duration of Courses
    1 Post Graduate Diploma in Police Science and Management 1 Year
    2 Diploma in Police Science 1 Year
    3 Post Graduate Diploma in Fitness Management 1 Year

    2. Rashtriya Raksha University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

    Rashtriya Raksha University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
    Sr. No Academic Courses Duration of Courses
    1 Diploma in Police Science 1 Year
    2 Diploma in Cyber Security 1 Year
    3 PG Diploma in Police Science & Management 1 Year
    4 PG Diploma in Fitness Management 1 Year
    Contact us

    Dr. Anand Kumar Tripathi

    University Dean (I/c)

    Rashtriya Raksha University,

    Lavad, Dahegam, Gandhinagar – 382305

    Phone No. – 07968126800 – Ext. 203

    Email –

    Contact us

    Dr. Jasbirkaur Thadhani

    Associate University Dean

    Rashtriya Raksha University,

    Lavad, Dahegam, Gandhinagar – 382305

    Email –

    Dr. Anand Kumar Tripathi

    University Dean (I/c)

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    Dr. Jasbirkaur Thadhani

    Associate University Dean

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    News and Announcements

