Mr. R.R. Ross, Ph.D. (Psych)
Department of Criminology, University of, Ottawa, Director, Cognitive Centre of Canada.
About Mr. R.R. Ross
Bob Ross (Ph.D. Psychology, University of Toronto) is Director of the Cognitive Centre of Canada and creator of the Reasoning and Rehabilitation Programs has been a lecturer at Wilfrid Laurier University; Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Waterloo; Research Associate, Human Justice Program, University of Regina; Honorary Research Associate, Faculty of Law, University of Edinburgh; and Professor of Criminology, University of Ottawa.
Born and raised in Scotland, Dr. Ross is an international authority on offender rehabilitation and the prevention of antisocial behavior. He has had extensive experience as a Clinical Psychologist working with antisocial individuals. He served for twelve years as Chief Psychologist with the Ontario Government’s Ministry of Correctional Services in Canada for juvenile and adult offenders.
Dr. Ross has been a faculty member for the Ontario Department of Education’s programs for special education teachers, and a consultant to the Department of Educational Television. He has also taught at Oxford University; Salford University in Manchester; the American University in Beirut; Simon Fraser University in Vancouver; the University of LaLaguna in the Canary Islands; The University of Bern in Switzerland; and the Central University in Caracas, Venezuela.
Dr. Ross has been conducting research on antisocial behaviour since the late 1960’s. His research has been published in more than 100 articles in journals in psychology, criminology and education and in 25 books. including Effective Correctional Treatment (1980); Treatment of The Alcohol Abusing Offender (1985); Time To Think: A Cognitive Model of Offender Rehabilitation & Delinquency Prevention (1985); Female Offenders: Correctional Afterthoughts (1986);Thinking Straight The Reasoning and Rehabilitation Program(1995); Going Straight: Effective Programs for Delinquency Prevention & Offender Rehabilitation (1995); Antisocial Drivers: Prosocial Driver Training for Prevention and Rehabilitation (2005); Rehabilitating Rehabilitation: Neurocriminology for: Treatment of Antisocial Behavior (2008), Troubled and Troublesome Athletes: Prevention and Rehabilitation(2018).
Dr. Ross was awarded the Centennial Medal of Canada for his work with antisocial adolescents.