Mr. Naresh Kumar B.K.
Email – naresh.bk@rru.ac.in
About Mr. Naresh Kumar B.K
Mr. Naresh Kumar B.K. is Assistant Professor of Practice (International Relations) since April 2023. He was Research Fellow at Indian Council of World Affairs from 2021-23. Mr. Naresh has worked as an Assistant Director, National Security Council Secretariat under the Prime Minister’s Office, Government of India (2012-2020). He was also Assistant Editor at the Foundation for National Security Research, which published India’s National Security Annual Review from 2010-12 and a Research Assistant from 2008-2010. Besides editing, he was assigned with the task of observing, conceptualizing, and analysing Global Security Trends. The focus was to identify and assess new developments in strategic thinking/national security strategies of major powers (US, EU, Russia, Japan and China) that are shaping changes in the structure of the international system; track shifts in global distribution of political, economic and military power; identify and evaluate the nature/extent/significance of major areas of international conflicts; assess major developments in United Nations and WTO, WMD Proliferation and Arms Control; evaluate new initiatives to mitigate global warming and climate change; and appraise the impact of Global Terrorism and to estimate the global responses to combat terrorism and Global Arms Spending. He has a M.Phil. from the South Asian Studies Division, Centre for South, Central, South East Asian and South West Pacific Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi where he was awarded the Karnataka State Scholarship for Higher Research. He has undergone several training programmes at the National Security Council Secretariat (2012-2020) and Foreign Service Institute, Ministry of External Affairs (2019).
Chapters in Edited Books
B.K., Naresh Kumar (2022). “China’s BRI in Nepal: Complexities and Concerns”, China’s BRI in Different Regions of the World: Cooperation, Contradictions and Concerns, Knowledge World, New Delhi.
Online Commentaries
ICWA Issue Brief on “Nepal, MCC and the US’ Indo-Pacific Strategy”,
ICWA Issue Brief on “Current Economic Situation in Nepal”,
Media Writings and Interviews
Panel Discussion on “Nepal”, DD Urdu, New Delhi on June 07, 2022.