Dr. Mahesh A Tripathi
Phone No. – 079-68126800, Ext: 309
Email – mahesh.tripathi@rru.ac.in
Research Area – Clinical, Investigative, Forensic, Criminal, Correctional, and Legal Psychology
About Mr. Mahesh Tripathi
I am a quick learner, who always tries to adapt and apply new concepts and ideas in subject related matters. A work oriented individual who enjoys being engaged in activities which leads to value addition to my skill set. My ability to adjudge a person, develop a common connection on a core level and comprehension of human emotions pulled me towards the field of psychology. I have always been fascinated by the diversity and subjectivity with which a human psyche operates. The strong and deep rooted cultural values, an accommodating attitude, comprehensive knowledge of my subject and ability to find the rationality behind the emotions helps me to understand the psychology of any individual in a better and constructive manner.
My goal is to take psychology as a subject to masses and use it as a tool to generate more self-aware and self-actualized individuals which will in turn prove to be an asset to our nation. I aspire to apply psychological concepts and create practical approaches which can be utilized to address the current and upcoming challenges in the National Security and Criminal Justice System of our nation.
- Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology (Interdisciplinary with Law) Jan 2023, Rashtriya Raksha University.
- M. Phil in Clinical Psychology, 2 years (2011-2013) full time, RCI recognized Programme from Gujarat Forensic Science, University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat with 63% marks.
- M. A. in Clinical Psychology, 2 years (1999-2000) full time, from L. D. Arts College, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat with 58% marks.
- Diploma in Psychological Testing, School counseling & Career Guidance, UGC Sponsored Programme one year (2008) full time, from C. U. Shah Arts College, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat with “A” Grade.
- B.P. Ed. (Bachelor in Physical Education), one year (2001) full time, from Gujarat Vidyapith, Shadra, Gandhinagar, Gujarat with 75% marks.
- B. A. in Psychology, 3 years (1995-1998) full time, from M. B. Patel Rashtrabhasha Arts and Commerce College, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, with 58% marks.
Additional Qualifications:
- Successfully Completed Certificate Course in Forensic Entrepreneurship from Raksha Shakti University, Gandhinagar in November, 2019.
- Attended one week Faculty Development Programme, from Directorate of Forensic Services, Shimla Hills, Himachal Pradesh, from 25.03.2019 to 30.03.2019.
Books/ Chapter in Book/ Conference Proceedings/ Monographs
- Tripathi, M. A. & Tiwari, S. S. (2020). Inception of new criterion under sec-84 to determine criminal responsibility. 4th International Conference of South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology, Ahmedabad.
- Tripathi, M. A. & Sridevi, G. (2017). Psychotherapeutic interventions in emotional and behavioural problems with adolescents., Advances in psychology, mental health, and behavioral studies; Chronic mental illness and the changing scope of intervention strategies, diagnosis, and treatment (B. Vijaya Prasad (eds.) ed., pp. 321–333). IGI Global.
- Tripathi, M. A., & Sridevi, G. (2014). CBT and remedial training in adolescent with writing difficulty and emotional problems: A case study. Indian Journal of Developmental Disabilities.
- Vaya, S. L., Poddar, P. & Tripathi, M. A. (Nov- 2022). Children in Conflict with Law in the Indian scenario: An overview (pp1-11) Journey with Children in Conflict with Law: Entering a new paradigm (Das, S & Dogra A K eds), Academic Publisher, Kolkata.
Refereed Journal Articles/ Magazine
- Tripathi, M. A., Sridevi, G., Spandana, G., & Sriveni, D. (2013). Perceived stress coping strategies in mothers of children with autism and mental retardation. International Journal of Social Science, 1(4), 45–51
- Tripathi, M. A., & Sridevi, G. (2014). CBT in dhat syndrome & co-morbid conditions. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication, 4(9) 1-8.
- Sridevi, G., Tripathi, M. A., & Shyamsunder, L. (2015). Depression and suicidal ideation among elders. Journal of Psychological Research, 10 (2) 267- 276.
- Thygarajan, R., & Tripathi, M. A. (2016). Early intensive behavioral intervention: outcome for children with autism (Autism Spectrum Disorder). The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 3 (3) 57-72.
- Tripathi, M. A., Shay, V., & Pirojiya, P. P. (2018). Braid chopping: A mass psychogenic illness in Gujarat: A qualitative study. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 6 (4) 66-74.
- Tripathi, M. A., Wagh, N., & Vaya, S. L. (2018). Effect of simulated stress on psychophysiology to determine the deception. International Research Journal on Police Science, 4(1) 37-40.
- Tripathi, M. A., & Tripathi, A. K. (2020). Paradigm shift in Indian Legislature with reference to criminal responsibility of an unsound mind. Pragyaan: Journal of Law, 10 (1) 29-33.
- Tripathi, M. A. (2020, August 12). Forensic and Legal Psychology- International and Indian Scenario. Clue4 Evidence News. https://clue4evidence.org/
- Gaur, J. R., & Tripathi, M. A. (2021). Insanity, mental trauma, crime and the law. International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, 8(2), 10–15.
- Jha, M. K., Tripathi, M. A., & Gaur, J. R. (2021). Malingering: A way to escape from punishment. Indian Journal of Social Studies and Humanities, 1(6), 1–7.
- Kumar, A., Tripathi, M. A., & Gaur, J. R. (2021). A preliminary study on male victimization in the eyes of females in India. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 9(5), 327–339.
- Pandey, R., Shrivastava, S., Rathore, S., Tripathi, M. A., Sharma, S., & Choudhary, S. (2021). Risk Management Framework for Educational Institutions in Tackling Veiled Relationship Violence among Students. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 9(1), 1915–1921.
- Gaur, J. R., Tripathi, M. A., Kumar, K. V. R., Mistry, D., & Prakash, S. (2021). Paradigm shift in the nature of human trafficking in India. International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, 8(4), 9–13.
- Bhambhani, L. P., Tripathi, M. A., & Prakash, S. (2021). Psychopathy and sociopathy: A modern understanding of antisocial personality disorder (Review Article). Indian Journal of Social Studies and Humanities, 1(5), 17–23.
- Mabel C., Nishad, N., & Tripathi, M. (July-2021). Bestiality: A cruelty towards animal, Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 15(3), 3414-3419.
- Mahesh A Tripathi, Anand Kumar Tripathi & Shenshah Gulpham (Aug-2021). Negligence Vis-À-Vis Ignorance of Fact with Reference to Responsibilities of Investigative Officers, The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology, 3 (8) 33-39 https://theamericanjournals.com/index.php/tajpslc/article/view/1178
Expert Lectures
- Delivered a talk on “Behavioural Science; Tools and techniques of Investigation and Intervention” to the Law enforcement officers from Nigeria on 10th Jan 2022. 1. Delivered a talk on “Behavioural Science; Tools and techniques of Investigation and Intervention” to the Law enforcement officers from Nigeria on 10th Jan 2022.
- Delivered a talk on “Emotional Intelligence; a way to success” to the professionals from Combodia on 3rd Jan 2022. 2. Delivered a talk on “Emotional Intelligence; a way to success” to the professionals from Combodia on 3rd Jan 2022.
- Delivered a talk on “Psychological assessment, intervention in the cases of child abuse” to the professionals from Combodia on 2nd Jan 2022. 3. Delivered a talk on “Psychological assessment, intervention in the cases of child abuse” to the professionals from Combodia on 2nd Jan 2022.
- Delivered a talk on “Mental Health Issues in Criminal Justice System” in a one-week capacity building course to the Public Prosecutors of CBI at SSLECJ seminar hall on 7th Nov-2022.4. Delivered a talk on “Mental Health Issues in Criminal Justice System” in a one-week capacity building course to the Public Prosecutors of CBI at SSLECJ seminar hall on 7th Nov-2022.
- Delivered a Lecture on “Emotional intelligence its importance in the information gathering and hostage negotiation” to the Assistant Commissioners of Police, Intelligence bureau, Maharashtra Police at SISPA Seminar Hall, RRU on 12th Oct 2022. 5. Delivered a Lecture on “Emotional intelligence its importance in the information gathering and hostage negotiation” to the Assistant Commissioners of Police, Intelligence bureau, Maharashtra Police at SISPA Seminar Hall, RRU on 12th Oct 2022.
- Delivered a lecture to CBI investigative officers in a one-week capacity building program titles: “Deception Detection Technologies in Crime Investigation” on 23rd Sept-2022 at SFRMNS, RRU.6. Delivered a lecture to CBI investigative officers in a one-week capacity building program titles: “Deception Detection Technologies in Crime Investigation” on 23rd Sept-2022 at SFRMNS, RRU.
- Delivered a lecture to CBI investigative officers in a one-week capacity building program titles: “Deception Detection Technologies in Crime Investigation” on 29th August-2022 at SFRMNS, RRU.7. Delivered a lecture to CBI investigative officers in a one-week capacity building program titles: “Deception Detection Technologies in Crime Investigation” on 29th August-2022 at SFRMNS, RRU.
- Delivered a lecture to CBI Law officers/Public Prosecutors in a one-week capacity building program titles: “Scientific Aids to interview and interrogation” on 23rd August-2022 at SSLECJ, RRU.8. Delivered a lecture to CBI Law officers/Public Prosecutors in a one-week capacity building program titles: “Scientific Aids to interview and interrogation” on 23rd August-2022 at SSLECJ, RRU.
- Represented RRU Mental Health Professional as panelist in “National, Conclave on Mental Health & Well-Being” Intensifying Focus on Children, Adolescents and Young People on 15th -16th July, Ahmedabad Gujarat. 9. Represented RRU Mental Health Professional as panelist in “National, Conclave on Mental Health & Well-Being” Intensifying Focus on Children, Adolescents and Young People on 15th -16th July, Ahmedabad Gujarat.
- Represented RRU as an Expert faculty virtually to guide the students of 8th to 12th standard in an interview series on the topic “Career Expert Marathon” 11th July 2022 organized by “Kidztalento”. 10. Represented RRU as an Expert faculty virtually to guide the students of 8th to 12th standard in an interview series on the topic “Career Expert Marathon” 11th July 2022 organized by “Kidztalento”.
- Delivered a talk on “Application of Behavioral Science in Crime Detection” as a Resource Faculty in CME Forensic Update 2022 held on 8th July 2022, organized by JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research. 11. Delivered a talk on “Application of Behavioral Science in Crime Detection” as a Resource Faculty in CME Forensic Update 2022 held on 8th July 2022, organized by JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research.
- Delivered Special Lecture on “Behavioural Forensic: From Crime Scene to Court Room” to the students of Graduate Students of Law at Gujarat Law Society (GLS) on 9th July 2022. 12. Delivered Special Lecture on “Behavioural Forensic: From Crime Scene to Court Room” to the students of Graduate Students of Law at Gujarat Law Society (GLS) on 9th July 2022.
- Delivered an expert talk on “Behavioral Forensics from the Crime Scene to courtroom” 23rd July 2022 at SCBS Seminar Hall to CBI Investigative Officers in a one-week capacity building program organized by School of Forensic Science, Risk Management, and National Security.13. Delivered an expert talk on “Behavioral Forensics from the Crime Scene to courtroom” 23rd July 2022 at SCBS Seminar Hall to CBI Investigative Officers in a one-week capacity building program organized by School of Forensic Science, Risk Management, and National Security.
- Delivered an expert talk on “Deception Detection Technologies in Crime Investigation” 24th July 2022 at SCBS Seminar Hall to CBI Investigative Officers in a one-week capacity building program organized by School of Forensic Science, Risk Management, and National Security. 14. Delivered an expert talk on “Deception Detection Technologies in Crime Investigation” 24th July 2022 at SCBS Seminar Hall to CBI Investigative Officers in a one-week capacity building program organized by School of Forensic Science, Risk Management, and National Security.
- Delivered an expert talk on “Methods of Behavioral Forensics and Investigative Tools” in an International webinar organized by Centurion University, Andhra Pradesh on 18/06/2022. 15. Delivered an expert talk on “Methods of Behavioral Forensics and Investigative Tools” in an International webinar organized by Centurion University, Andhra Pradesh on 18/06/2022.
- Delivered a Lecture on “Mental Health issues in School set-up” to the teacher at Sarshwati Vidayal (Boys), Dehgam, on 15/06/2022 under RRU mental health Services.16. Delivered a Lecture on “Mental Health issues in School set-up” to the teacher at Sarshwati Vidayal (Boys), Dehgam, on 15/06/2022 under RRU mental health Services.
- Delivered an expert talk on “Need and Importance of Mental Health Care in Rural Areas” to the Primary Health Care Workers, on 02.06.2022 at Sampa PHC. 17. Delivered an expert talk on “Need and Importance of Mental Health Care in Rural Areas” to the Primary Health Care Workers, on 02.06.2022 at Sampa PHC.
- Delivered a Lecture on “Importance of Rural Mental Health Program, ensuring accessibility of mental health services for Children and Adolescent” t to the RBSK Team (Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists etc.) on 12.05.2022 at SCBS Seminar Hall. 18. Delivered a Lecture on “Importance of Rural Mental Health Program, ensuring accessibility of mental health services for Children and Adolescent” t to the RBSK Team (Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists etc.) on 12.05.2022 at SCBS Seminar Hall.
- Delivered two sessions online on “Interview and interrogation techniques” to the Detective Sub Inspectors of Karnataka Police on 22.03.2022 (CBI Academy Ghaziabad).19. Delivered two sessions online on “Interview and interrogation techniques” to the Detective Sub Inspectors of Karnataka Police on 22.03.2022 (CBI Academy Ghaziabad).
- Project presentation on Forensic Mental Health Issues at Sabarmati Prison, HMH and Kashmir in HOD meeting.20. Project presentation on Forensic Mental Health Issues at Sabarmati Prison, HMH and Kashmir in HOD meeting.
- Delivered a lecture on “Stress Management in Daily Life” in One Week Capacity Building Program for Investigating Officers of the Central Bureau of Investigation on 8th April 2022 Organized by School of Forensic Science, Risk Management and National Security.21. Delivered a lecture on “Stress Management in Daily Life” in One Week Capacity Building Program for Investigating Officers of the Central Bureau of Investigation on 8th April 2022 Organized by School of Forensic Science, Risk Management and National Security.
- Delivered a lecture on Occupational stress and management strategies to the special officers, Govt. of India on 19th April 2022. 22. Delivered a lecture on Occupational stress and management strategies to the special officers, Govt. of India on 19th April 2022.
- Delivered expert talk in one-day workshop on “Mental health and wellbeing” organized by the School of Criminology and behavioral Sciences on 4th and 7th April 2022.23. Delivered expert talk in one-day workshop on “Mental health and wellbeing” organized by the School of Criminology and behavioral Sciences on 4th and 7th April 2022.
- Delivered two sessions online on “interview and interrogation techniques” to the Detective Sub Inspectors of Karnataka Police on 22.03.2022 (CBI Academy Gaziabad).24. Delivered two sessions online on “interview and interrogation techniques” to the Detective Sub Inspectors of Karnataka Police on 22.03.2022 (CBI Academy Gaziabad).
- Project presentation on Forensic Mental Health Issues at Sabarmati Prison, HMH and Kashmir in HOD meeting.25. Project presentation on Forensic Mental Health Issues at Sabarmati Prison, HMH and Kashmir in HOD meeting.
- Delivered a lecture on “Stress Management in Daily Life” in One Week Capacity Building Program for Investigating Officers of the Central Bureau of Investigation 8th April 2022.26. Delivered a lecture on “Stress Management in Daily Life” in One Week Capacity Building Program for Investigating Officers of the Central Bureau of Investigation 8th April 2022.
- Delivered a lecture on “Occupational stress and management strategies” to the Special officer, Govt. of India on 19th April 2022. 27. Delivered a lecture on “Occupational stress and management strategies” to the Special officer, Govt. of India on 19th April 2022.
- Delivered expert talk in one-day workshop on “mental health and wellbeing” organized by the School of Criminology and behavioral Sciences on 4th and 7th April 2022.28. Delivered expert talk in one-day workshop on “mental health and wellbeing” organized by the School of Criminology and behavioral Sciences on 4th and 7th April 2022.
- Delivered a lecture on “Emotional intelligence & Mental Well- being” to the RTO inspectors in course for RTO officers at SISPA Auditorium on 2nd Dec 2021. 29. Delivered a lecture on “Emotional intelligence & Mental Well- being” to the RTO inspectors in course for RTO officers at SISPA Auditorium on 2nd Dec 2021.
- Delivered a lecture on “Psychological Investigations using modern methods” in a five-day online training program on “Advance Forensic Investigation and Court Proceedings for Lawyers” dated 02/12/2021. 30. Delivered a lecture on “Psychological Investigations using modern methods” in a five-day online training program on “Advance Forensic Investigation and Court Proceedings for Lawyers” dated 02/12/2021.
- Participated is 47th National Annual Conference of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologist (virtual conference) 28-30 May 2021, organized by Armed Foreces Medical College (AFMC) Pune. 31. Participated is 47th National Annual Conference of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologist (virtual conference) 28-30 May 2021, organized by Armed Foreces Medical College (AFMC) Pune.
- Delivered lectures on 8th May 2021, on the topic “Emotional Intelligence, Personal & Behavioral Management and Subordinate Management” at “Staff Officers Course, Organized by Internal Security Academy, CRPF, Mount Abu.32. Delivered lectures on 8th May 2021, on the topic “Emotional Intelligence, Personal & Behavioral Management and Subordinate Management” at “Staff Officers Course, Organized by Internal Security Academy, CRPF, Mount Abu.
- Delivered online expert talk on “Application of Clinical Psychology in Criminal Justice System” in an internship-training program for counseling and psychotherapy, organized by Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, on 15th Oct-2020.33. Delivered online expert talk on “Application of Clinical Psychology in Criminal Justice System” in an internship-training program for counseling and psychotherapy, organized by Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, on 15th Oct-2020.
- Delivered online expert talk on “Application of Forensic Psychological Techniques in Criminal Cases” as a panel member on 16th October 2020, organized by Department of Clinical Psychology, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore.34. Delivered online expert talk on “Application of Forensic Psychological Techniques in Criminal Cases” as a panel member on 16th October 2020, organized by Department of Clinical Psychology, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore.
- Delivered online expert talk on the “Children’s Apperception Test; Administration and interpretation”, to the consultant Clinical Psychologist, M.Phil. Clinical Psychology Trainees and other Master’s Student of Clinical Psychology, organized by MIND GURU Psychological Services, Bangalore on Oct 23- 2020. 35. Delivered online expert talk on the “Children’s Apperception Test; Administration and interpretation”, to the consultant Clinical Psychologist, M.Phil. Clinical Psychology Trainees and other Master’s Student of Clinical Psychology, organized by MIND GURU Psychological Services, Bangalore on Oct 23- 2020.
- Delivered lectures to senior police officers, Army officers, and NSG commando from across the country in the course entitled “Interrogation Techniques” conducted by RSU in collaboration with BPR&D on 24th Feb 2020.36. Delivered lectures to senior police officers, Army officers, and NSG commando from across the country in the course entitled “Interrogation Techniques” conducted by RSU in collaboration with BPR&D on 24th Feb 2020.
- Delivered invited expert talk on the topic “Personality Disorders and Criminal Behavior” to the students of MSc in Forensic Science at Parul University, at Vadodara, on 23rd August 2019.37. Delivered invited expert talk on the topic “Personality Disorders and Criminal Behavior” to the students of MSc in Forensic Science at Parul University, at Vadodara, on 23rd August 2019.
- Delivered expert talk on the topic “Case History Taking & Mental State Examination” to the master’s internee students at Jyoti Sangh, Ahmedabad, on 23 June 2019.38. Delivered expert talk on the topic “Case History Taking & Mental State Examination” to the master’s internee students at Jyoti Sangh, Ahmedabad, on 23 June 2019.
- Delivered expert talks as a series of lectures on the topic “Victim Counseling and Medical Examination” in BPR&D sponsored program on “Sexual Crime Against Women” for more than 8 batches of Investigative officers and public prosecutor, at Gujarat Police Academy, in the year 2019-20.39. Delivered expert talks as a series of lectures on the topic “Victim Counseling and Medical Examination” in BPR&D sponsored program on “Sexual Crime Against Women” for more than 8 batches of Investigative officers and public prosecutor, at Gujarat Police Academy, in the year 2019-20.
- Delivered expert talk at Ahmedabad Dordarshan in a program “Hello Karkirdi” on the topic of Career in Psychology after UG, on 13th Feb-2019.40. Delivered expert talk at Ahmedabad Dordarshan in a program “Hello Karkirdi” on the topic of Career in Psychology after UG, on 13th Feb-2019.
- Delivered lecture on “Scope of Psychology” to the bachelor students of Psychology at Rashtra bhasha Arts and Commerce College, Ahmedabad on Feb-2018.41. Delivered lecture on “Scope of Psychology” to the bachelor students of Psychology at Rashtra bhasha Arts and Commerce College, Ahmedabad on Feb-2018.
- Delivered expert talk on the topic “How to handle stress and anxiety during incarceration” at Palanpur District Jail, Gujarat.42. Delivered expert talk on the topic “How to handle stress and anxiety during incarceration” at Palanpur District Jail, Gujarat.
- Delivered invited expert talk as Resource Person on the topic “Social Skill Training for Psychotic Symptoms” in the Two-Day CRE program, organized by Sweekaar Academy of Rehabilitation Sciences, Secunderabad, Telangana, on 10th & 11th June-2016.43. Delivered invited expert talk as Resource Person on the topic “Social Skill Training for Psychotic Symptoms” in the Two-Day CRE program, organized by Sweekaar Academy of Rehabilitation Sciences, Secunderabad, Telangana, on 10th & 11th June-2016.
- Delivered a lecture on Importance of Personality Profiling in Forensic Psychology to the faculties and students of Edith Cowan University, Australia during their visit to RSU in 2016.44. Delivered a lecture on Importance of Personality Profiling in Forensic Psychology to the faculties and students of Edith Cowan University, Australia during their visit to RSU in 2016.
- Conducted one-day workshop on “Stress Management” at CBI Academy Ghaziabad.45. Conducted one-day workshop on “Stress Management” at CBI Academy Ghaziabad.
Paper presentations
- Presented synopsis on police academia interaction forum projects(PAIF), Titled; “impact of various interventions of government of Gujarat on Crime Against Children” on 10th September 2022 at RRU Auditorium.
- Presented a review article on “Development of the tests of insanity to determine criminal liability in criminal justice system, 1st Annual Conference of International Association of Young Psychologists on “Emerging Trends in Behavioural Sciences”, O. P. Jindal Global University, Haryana on 16 – 17th January, 2020.
- Presented a review article on “Changing trends in victimization of acid attacks in India. 8th International Conference on Victimology, O. P. Jindal Global University, Panipat, India. https://jgu.edu.in/jibs-organises-8th%E2%80%AFinternational-conference-on-victim-assistance/
- Presented a research paper title “Rapid, Easy and Automatic separation of overlapped fingerprint impression” at XXI All India Conference of Directors of Finger Print Bureaux-2020, Organized by Central Finger Print Bureau, National Crime Record Bureau (Ministry of Home Affairs) New Delhi-110037, on 13th and 14th October -2020.
- Presented research paper entitled “Inception of new criterion under sec-84 to determine criminal liability” at 4th International Conference of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) held at Hotel Pride, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, on 30 – 31, January, 2020.
- Presented paper entitled “CBT in emotional and behavioural problem with an adopted adolescent girl: A Case Study” conducted by Indian Association of Clinical Psychologist, (IACP) at Ahmedabad, India on February 6th to 8th, 2015.
- Presented paper entitled “CBT and remedial training in adolescent with writing difficulty and emotional problems: A case study” at International Conference on Developmental Disability, ICDD-2014, at Calcutta University, West Bengal.
- Presented paper entitled “Depression and suicidal ideation among institutionalized and non-institutionalized elders”, organized by Kakatiya University, Warangel, Telnagana, on 24th and 25th March, 2014.
- Presented a review article on “Victimization of prisoners with unsoundness of mind in criminal justice system” 8th International Conference on Victim Assistance, O. P. Jindal Global University, Delhi, NCR, India.
- Presented research paper entitled “Abuse and feeling of victimization among elder’s people in Ahmedabad city” at 7th International Conference on Victim Assistance, organized by O P. Jindal Global University, Delhi, NCR, India, on 26th to 27th Oct-2018.
- Presented research paper entitled “Effect of simulated stress on psychophysiology to determine deception” at 24th All India Forensic Science Conference (AIFSC), jointly organized by MHA, GOI, Gujarat University and Raksha Shakti University, Ahmedabad, on 10th and 12th Feb, 2018.
- Presented research paper entitled “Braid Chopping a mass psychogenic illness in Gujarat: A qualitative study” at 24th All India Forensic Science Conference (AIFSC), jointly organized by MHA, GOI, Gujarat University and Raksha Shakti University, Ahmedabad, on 10th and 12th Feb, 2018.
Organized or Conducted trainees and workshop
- Conducted Forensic Interview, LVA and Brain Fingerprinting on 2 suspects (CBI personnel) in a murder of an eyewitness, on especial request from DG, CID Crime Gujarat in 2019.
- Trained (theoretical and practical) Polygraph technique to the M. Phil Forensic Psychology and other students of Institute of Behavioral Science, Gujarat Forensic Science University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India 18th & 19th Nov-2013.
- Organized an Introductory lecture on “Vipasna; An Ancient Practice of Healing” on 16/06/2022, at RRU Auditorium.
- Conducted a 3 days’ extensive workshop on “Stress Management” for the special officers of the Government of India 18 to 20th April 2022.
- Conducted 5 Working day workshop on “Scientific Aids to Interview and Interrogation” between 25th to 29th April 2022, at School of Criminology and Behavioural Sciences.
- BPR&D sponsored one-week training program for special officers special nominated from Indian Army, National Security Guard, Assam Rifle, Andhra Police, Rajsthan Police and Gujrat CID crime, on “Interview and interrogation” between 24th -28th Feb, 2022, At SISPA Seminar Hall, RRU.
- Organized three days training on “iCognitive” on 12th to 15th April 2021 at SFSRM Biology laboratory.
- Organized a 3 Days Training workshop on “Neurocriminology” at Raksha Shakti University in 2018.
- Received Best Researcher Award (Male) at IFCI Summit & Awards, 2021 (7th August 2021) organized by Department of Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation, Legal Desire.
- Have won Gold Medals for 100 meter running consecutively two years 2019 & 2020 organized for the RSU Staff and silver medal in 200 meters in 2020.
- Received “Best paper presentation” award in International Conference on Developmental Disability, ICDD-2014, at Calcutta University, West Bengal.
- Qualified SET examination in Sep-2018 and achieved minimum qualification for the appointment of Assistant Professor.
- Worked as Investigative Psychologist in a Special Investigative Team, constituted to investigate the truth behind “Braid Chopping” cases in Guajarat on 14th 2017. Worked closely with DSP P. P. Pirojia and successfully extracted truth and controlled the rumors within three days from all the state.
- Received an Appreciation Letter from Hon. Director General, RSU for the initiation and successfully organization of “First Kite Festival” in 2018 at Lavad campus.
- Received an Appreciation Letter from Hon. Director General, RSU for the successfully organization of a 15 days’ certificate training program on “Crime Scene Photography” for Rajasthan police.
- Received an Appreciation Letter from Hon. Director General, RSU for the successfully organization of three-day training workshop on “Neurocriminology” in 2018.
- Paper setter and examiner for many other Universities for the subject psychology.
- Member of the BPR&D appointed National Committee for development of E-Content in Forensic Science for Police Officers under E-Ustad Scheme.
- Interpretation and preparation of reports of Personality Profile of 164 CM Security Personnel under the guidance of Dr. S. L. Vaya (Dir., R & D) in 2017.
- Successfully conducted, Personality Profiling of 600 trainees PSI/IO’s and submitted the reports to ADG, Gujarat Police Academy, Karai, Gandhinagar, in 2018.
- Chaired a scientific session on “Forensic Psychology” in 1st All India Conference on Police Science, (AICPS-2019) RSU.
- Prepared a “Criminal Profile” of a serial killer (pedophilic) of Mumbai on the special request of DG RSU in 2018.
- Conducted Forensic Interview, LVA and Brain Fingerprinting on 8 suspects from Ahmednagar Police Station, Maharashtra, on the special request of DG, RSU in 2018.
- Member of Special Investigative Team (SIT) as an expert to deal with Braid Chopping Cases in the State and successfully intervened and controlled within four days of appointment in August-2018.
- Member of RSU cricket team since 2016 and participated all Dronacharya Cup and Justice Cup matches.
- I was founder technical committee member, coach, referee and International player of the Flying Disc Federation of India (FDFI) and conducted 11 Senior National, 5 Junior Nationals, tournaments in various States of India, I served as a Referee and Umpire for Soft Tennis Federation of India (STFI) for more than 8 years.
- 1997 – Inter College Championship, winner Inter-Zonal Championship, Gujarat University, participation in South- West Zonal Inter University championship at LNIP, Gwalior, M.P. (Handball).
- 1998- As above, South- West Zonal University championship at Sadra, Gandhinagar. Guj. (Handball).
- 1998- Participation in 27th Senior National Handball Championship, as Caption for Gujarat State Handball team, Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh.
- 1999- Inter-Zonal winner, Champion in Gujarat University, (Handball).
- 1999- Participation in College Athletics Tournament- III place in long Jump event.
- 2001- Participated in South- West Zonal Inter University Championship, Sadara, Gandhinagar, (Handball), and secure fourth position, qualified and participated in All India University Championship at Kurukshetra University, Haryana.
- 2000- Attended 238th basic course in Rock Climbing, at Junagad, Gujarat and secured “A” Grade.
- Appointed as India coach and successfully conducted 2 International camps of Beach Ultimate Championship to participate in Italy.
- Participated as a Player in 1st Asia Oceana Ultimate Championship at Chineses Tiapai, Tiwan in 2012.
- Conducted “1st International Soft Tennis Championship” as a referee at Ahmedabad, December 2013.
- Participated in sports events such as Badminton, Cricket, Volleyball and Cultural events in Gujarat Forensic Science University during the year 2011-2013.
- Participated in several Marathon events (10km) organized by different organizations at Ahmedabad city.
- 2 years as a “Counselor” in an NGO, K. H. Jani Charitable Trust, Ahmedabad on HIV/ AIDS awareness and prevention program with “Street Children” (2002 to 2004).
- 10 years as a “Visiting Lecturer” in M. B. Patel Rashtrabhasha Arts & Commerce College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. (Dec-2002 to March 2012).
- 5 months as “Visiting Lecturer” in Psychology and as a Sports In-charge, in Smt. R. D. Shah & V. D. Shah College, Dholka, Ahmedabad, Gujarat (8 July 2010 to 31 Dec 2010).
- 11 months as “Sports Psychologist” worked for Indian Soft Tennis Team in preparation for 16th Asian Games 2010, held at Guangzhou, China (Jan 2010 to Nov 2010).
- 9 months as a “Consultant Clinical Psychologist” in GEMS Health Care, Hyderabad (Dec 2013 to Oct 2014).
- 2 years 11 month as “Assistant professor” in the Institute of Mental Health, Sweekaar Academy of Rehabilitation Sciences” Secunderabad, from 7th Oct, 2014 to 17 August-2016.
- Working as Assistant Professor of Psychology, School of Forensic Science and Risk Management, Raksha Shakti University, Since Sep-2016.
Positions Held at Rashtriya Raksha University
- Interview panel member to selection sports training officer (Handball) scheduled on 14th Dec 2022, in virtual mode.
- Chaired a committee to inquire and investigate the disciplinary actions taken against the students at Darsh hostel, Gandhinagar vide letter no: RRU/REGI/Disciplinary Inq. hostel/2022/99 dated 15/10/2022 submitted the report in stipulated time.
- Invited member of the Interview Panel for the post of Principal Investigator (Projects) held at SFSRMNS on 16/11/2022.
- Member of Interview Panel to select Research Associate cum Administrative Officer and Scientific officer at SCBS on 16/11/2022.
- Verification of the Documents applied for the post of Professor, Associate Professor and TCRA at SCBS on 16/11/2022.
- Member of a fact finding committee appointed by Honorable Vice Chancellor wide mail on 5th Oct 20222, regarding the PhD Evaluation etc. Related Complaints.
- Member of Convocation Organizing Core Team, and Chaired the committee responsible to purchase and distribute the Robes/Stole during 2nd Convocation ceremony organized on 17th Oct 2022.
- Member of HR committee, Wide no: RRU/PVCO/IC/HRC/2022/39 Dated 22.4.2022.
- Member secretary, Accreditation, Assessment and Affiliation Committee (AAAC) wide order no. RRU/PVCO/IC/AAAC/2022/44 dated 20.04.2022.
- Member, Anti Ragging Committee (ARC) wide no: RRU/PVCO/IC/ARC/2022/46 Dated: 20.4.2022
- Member of Staff Welfare and Staff Orientation Committee, SWSOC
- Member of Convocation Organizing Core Team, and Chaired the committee responsible to purchase and distribute the Robes/Stole during 2nd Convocation ceremony organized on 12th March 2022.
- Member of document verification committee for the regular post of Assistant Professor (Not.No.01/2021/HR Dated 4/11/2021) on 23rd Feb 2022 at SISPA seminar Hall.
- Selection panel committee member for the post of senior research coordinator scheduled on 17th Feb 2022.for SASTRA.
- Represented RRU in Vibrant Gujarat on 5th & 6th Jan 2022organized by Government of Gujarat at GMDC ground Gujarat University, Ahmedabad.
- Organized two opening ceremonies of mental health services at PHC Sampa and CHC Dahegam.
- Interview panel Member to select “Research Assistant” at School of International Cooperation Security and Strategic Language, on 30/12/2021
- Member of financial evaluation to purchase chemicals, glassware and minor forensic tools for SFSRM Dec-10, 2021.
- Interview panel member to select “Assistant Professor, Public Safety & Governance” at School of Security, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, on 28/09/2021.
- Interview panel member to select “Research Associate” at School of Security, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, on 28/09/2021.
- Observer of the BoS meeting for criminology and crime science, on 29th September 2021.
- Interview panel Member to select Administrative Assistant at School of Criminology and Behavioral Science, on 19/07/201
- Interview Panel Member for the selection of Assistant Professor (Forensic Psychology) on 27th/07/2021
- Assistant Director, School of Criminology and Behavioral Science,
- Interview Panel Member for the selection of Assistant Professor (Forensic Affairs) on 29-30 June 2021. (No. Recruitment/09/2021)
- Appointed as member of tender evaluation committee on June 14 2021, for the purchase of furniture and fixture at prosperity acquired by the University at Chiloda.
- Assistant Director, School of Forensics, Risk Management and National Security since July, & 2021.
- Member of a purchase committee formed by the SCCS 5, Nov,2020.
- Member of Special Investigative Team (SIT) constituted by the Vice-Chancellor Rashtriya Raksha University (RRU) to investigate the several correspondences related to allegations on staff members and RTI’s. The task has been completed and report submitted to the VC office (Oct-2020). (RSU/REGI/Committee/342/2020).
- Interview Panel Member for the selection of Assistant Professor (Forensic Psychology) on 20/10/2020. (No. RRU/SFSRM/Recruitment/01/2020)
- Interview Panel Member for the selection of Junior Research Fellow for SFSRM on 27/10/2020. (No. RRU/SFSRM/Recruitment/01/2020)
- Chairman of draft committee and finalized an internship policy for SFSRM and appointed as first Chairman of School Level Internship Committee (SLIC) -2020-2021.
- Interview Panel Member for the selection of Assistant Professor (Forensic Science) on 25/08/2020.
- Chairman of the committee to evaluate the proposal and take a decision on the engagement of the consultant “Social Media Risk Management and Forensic Validation” (SMRMFV) 2020.
- Chairman of the committee to evaluate the proposal and finalized the consultant for Forensic Video Investigation and Risk Management- 2020.
- Member of the HR committee and Student Welfare and Grievance Redressal Committee 2020-2021.
- Course Coordinator for BSM-I in the year 2018-19.
- Course Coordinator for first batch MSC Forensic Science for the year 2019-2020.
- Course Coordinator for MSC Forensic Psychology for the year 2020-2021.
- Member Secretary of Technical & Commercial scrutiny committee for the purchase of “Poly Ray Kit”.
- Member Secretary of Technical & Commercial scrutiny committee for the purchase of “Polygraph”.
- Member Secretary of Technical & Commercial scrutiny committee for the purchase of “Crime Scene Scanner”.
- Member of several committees in organization of in house program such Malhaar, Sports day Convocation etc.
- Member of organizing committee to organize 24th All India Forensic Science Conference, RSU.
- Member of organizing Committee to organize 1st All India Conference of Police Science, RSU.
- Manager and Coach of RSU Kabaddi Team (2018), and participated in the All India University Competition at Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan.
- Member of the committee to represent RSU in Academic Fares 2017 and 2018.
- Member of Admission committee in the year 2017, 2018 and 2019.
- Member of organizing committee in Two Day Training/Capacity Building Workshop on recognizing the problem of Drug Abuse, “MUKTI” held at National Institute of Occupation health (NIOH) Ahmedabad, on 11-12, March, 2019.
- Member of organizing committee of National Seminar on “Mob Lynching” at NIOH Auditorium, on 23th Oct 2018.
- Member of interview panel for the appointment of Assistant Professor Psychology.
- Member of syllabus drafting committee of MSc Forensic Science (MFS) of RSU.
- Member Secretary of syllabus drafting committee of MA/MSc Forensic Psychology.
- Member secretary of MA/MSc Forensic Psychology Board of Studies.
- Liasoning the psychosocial care rehabilitation and reintegration
- Working on an in-house research project “efficacy of iCognative technology to detect deception: reliability and validation on Indian Population.
- Psychological Assessment of RRU employees and on the basis of findings provides them counseling.
- Pro Bono services in forensic case consultancy to CID Crime Gujarat, CBI, and other state police on request.
- Paid psychological assessment and therapies to private cases.
- Providing Pro Bono telephonic counseling services to the people in the need due to COVID-19.
- Member of expert forum in an online Share & Care services for Mental Health Issues of RRU staff and families during pandemic for three months between April-June 2021.
- Community Mental Health Services at PHC Lavad, PHC Sampa and CHC Dehgam
- Have provided Pro Bono psychological services to the students and staff members of RSU
- 7 days training workshop on iCognative technology at SFSRM, RRU between 14th to 20th April, 2021.
- A training workshop on Layered Voice Analysis (LAV) by NEMESYSCO on 5th to 7th July 2021 two days offline and one day online at SFSRM, RRU.
- Course Director and resource person for a one-week training workshop for police officers, Army officers, and NSG commando from across the country in the course entitled “Interrogation Techniques” conducted by RSU in collaboration with BPR&D on 24th Feb 2020.
- Organized one-day virtual workshop on “Research Matrices and Indicators” in collaboration with the Research & Publication Division, on 3rd Nov-2020.
- Organized two-day virtual workshop on “Research Methodology and Research Matrices” in collaboration with the Research & Publication Division, on 15th & 16th Dec -2020
- Organized three-day training workshop on “Neurocriminology” on 7th to 9th Sep-2018.
- Course Coordinator of a Training Programme for Rajasthan Police officers on “Preventive and Investigative Photography” course for 12-days in the month of June 2018.
- Editorial Board Member with Legal Desire Media and Insights since 1 Nov-2021
- Editor board member of Indian Journal of Social Studies and Humanities
- Advisor in the Core Committee VH Institute of Mental Health & Neuro-Sciences (VHIMANS) for the School Mental Health Programme since 1st April 2021
- Life Member of “Indian Association of Clinical Psychologist” (PLM 534/17).
- Life Member of “Young Psychologist Association” (SYP10028)
- Registered Clinical Psychologist of Rehabilitation Council of India RCI (CRR-A4036
- PG – 18
- UG – 33
- Appointed as a paper-setter for GLS University, winter 2022 examinations wide mail on 2nd Sept-2022.
- IG Assam CID visited school on 12th Dec 2022 explained about the courses we offered for serving people such as, Interview and interrogation, victim counselling, stress management and psychological well-being, scientific aids to interview, emotional intelligence and its importance in the interpersonal relations, psychological assessment for officers, problematic officers and or officers who need psychological support, Social media addiction, cyber psychology and Criminological studies based on data analysis as well as field studies.
- Liasoning of Mr. Mahesh Kumar Singla, IPS (Retd), National Human Right Commission), visited RRU on 19th Dec 2022.