Mr. Apoorva Mathur

Assistant Professor of Law
School of Criminal Law and Military Law (SCLML)
Ph.D. in Law (Pursuing), UGC-NET, LL.M. (Criminal and Security Law), B.Com. LL.B. (H)

Phone No. – +91 9099147684, Ext: 604

Email –

Research Area – Criminal Procedure, Law of Crimes, Law of Evidence, Counter-Terrorism & Security Laws, and Constitutional Law.

Key Area Responsibility – Coordinator, Research and Training

About Mr. Apoorva Mathur

Mr. Apoorva Mathur is currently pursuing a PhD in Law at Rashtriya Raksha University. He completed his LL.M. in Criminal and Security Law from Gujarat National Law University in 2020 and qualified for the UGC-NET for Assistant Professor of Law in December 2019, while pursuing LL.M.

In November 2020, Mr. Mathur joined Rashtriya Raksha University, Gandhinagar (formerly Raksha Shakti University), as an Assistant Professor (Research). He is currently appointed as an Assistant Professor of Law at the School of Criminal Law and Military Law, where he teaches criminal and security laws to undergraduate and postgraduate students across various disciplines, including Law, Criminology, and Police Administration.

His areas of specialization include Criminal and Security Laws, with a particular focus on the New Criminal Laws, legislative frameworks for Counter-Terrorism and Drug Trafficking in India. He has extensive experience in teaching personnel from various state police organisations and law enforcement agencies, including prosecutors from the CBI and NIA, as well as police officials of various ranks from state police forces such as Gujarat, Tripura, Meghalaya, and Daman & Diu. He has also delivered lectures to foreign participants in various iTEC training programs organised at RRU.

  • Ph.D. in Law (pursuing)
  • UGC-NET (Law) Qualified
  • LL.M. Criminal & Security Laws, Gujarat National Law University
  • B.Com., LL.B. (Hons.), Institute of Law, Nirma University
  • Enrolled as an Advocate on the rolls of Bar Council of Delhi, New Delhi bearing enrolment number D/22/2017
  • Certificate of Practice from Bar Council of India for qualifying All India Bar Examination (AIBE).
  • Legal Associate at Nanavati & Co., Ahmedabad.
  • Junior Advocate under Mr Rahul Mishra (Advocate), Allahabad High Court, Lucknow Bench.
  • 3-Day Online Workshop on Research Methodology and Academic Writing for National Security Research, organized by the Directorate of Research and Publications, Rashtriya Raksha University. (September 2024)
  • Online Hands-on Training on ‘Empirical Legal Research: SPSS Application & Data Analysis’, organised by Gujarat National Law University Centre for Law and Society. (October 2023)
  • Participated in the One Day Workshop on “Ethical Research and Integrity in Publication” organised by the Directorate of Research & Publication, Rashtriya Raksha University. (June 2022)
  • Arbitration Training Workshop organised by Institute of Law, Nirma University and conducted by Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (India) at Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
  • Mediation Training Workshop organised by Institute of Law, Nirma University and conducted by Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution, Mumbai at Ahmedabad.
  • Two-day Certificate Course on ‘Maritime Security Operations: Contemporary Challenges’, jointly organised by Rashtriya Raksha University and the International Committee of the Red Cross. (May 2023)
  • One-week Faculty Development Programme on ‘Emerging Challenges of Criminal Justice System: Way Forward organised by the School of Security, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Rashtriya Raksha University. (February-March 2023)
  • One-Week Online National Faculty Development Program jointly organized by H.S.N.C Board’s Kishinchand Chellaram Law College, University of Mumbai; Droit Penale Group, Prayagraj and Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of Ministry of Education. (April-May 2022)
  • Two-day Course on “International Military Laws and Best Practices: Security Operations” jointly organized by Rashtriya Raksha University and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICSC) (December 2021)
  • One-week online Faculty Development Programme on “Law-Internal Security-Social Sciences” organised by School of Integrated, Coastal and Maritime Security Studies, Rashtriya Raksha University (November 2021)
  • Five Days Certificate Course on “Maritime Security Operations: Contemporary Challenges in the Indian Ocean Region”, jointly organized by Rashtriya Raksha University, India and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (July, 2021)
  • Three Days National Level Online “Faculty Enrichment Program” Organized by IQAC, St. Antony’s College of Arts and Sciences For Women, Thamaraipadi, Dindigul (June 2021)
  • Certificate Course on ‘Law of Armed Conflict at Sea: Contemporary Challenges’ jointly organized by Rashtriya Raksha University and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (March 2021)
  • Fifteen Days Online National Refresher Course on ‘The Changing Face of Higher Education in Law in India’, organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of Ministry of Education in collaboration with SVKM’s Jitendra Chauhan College of Law, Mumbai and Droit Penale Group, Prayagraj (Februrary, 2021)
  • Certificate Program in “Art Law and its Security Dimensions” organized by Directorate of Extension and Distance learning, Rashtriya Raksha University, Gandhinagar (January 2021)
  • The Statutory Approach to Counter Terrorism in India: From MISA to the UAPA, Supremo Amicus International Journal of Law, Vol. 24, [ISSN : 2456-9704] Impact factor: 6.242
  • The Doctrine of Basic Structure: Implied limitation on the amending power of the Parliament, CPJ Law Journal, Vol XIII, Issue 2 [IISN: 0976-3562] (UGC-CARE)
  • Reproductive Rights and New Complexities: A Legal Uphill Battle, Supremo Amicus International Journal of Law, Vol. 28 [ISSN: 2456-9704] Impact Factor: 6.242
  • The Role of Supreme Court in paving the way for gender justice in India, Lex Humanitariae Law Journal, Vol. 2 Issue 4 [ISSN: 2582-5216] Impact Factor: 5.042
  • The Counter Terrorism Task-Force of India: A Critical Analysis of the National Investigation Agency Act, White Black Legal Law Journal Vol. 2 Issue 9 [ISSN : 2581-8503] Impact Factor: 6.435
  • The Statutory Approach to Counter Terrorism in India: From MISA to the UAPA, Supremo Amicus International Journal of Law, Vol. 24, [ISSN : 2456-9704] Impact factor: 6.242
  • Countering Terrorism of Suppressing Dissent: A Critical Analysis of the UAPA, International Journal of Law Management & Humanities Vol. 4 Issue 3 [2581 – 5369] Impact Factor: 4.895
Books Co-edited
  • ‘Compilation of Book Reviews on Security, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice’, ISBN: 978-93-93485-52-6, Rashtriya Raksha University (2024)
  • ‘The Role of Supreme Court in Bringing Gender Equality’, National Seminar on “Issues and challenges of Gender Disparity in Indian’ organized by Faculty of Law, Parul University, Vadodara held in March, 2020.
  • ‘The Role of Technology in Marketing’,16th Nirma International Conference on Management at Institute of Management, Nirma University held in January 2013.
  • ‘FDI in Multi Brand Retail’, International Conference on “Issues and Challenges in Retail Sector and Foreign Direct Investment in India and Across the World” at Symbiosis Centre For Management Studies (Under-Graduate) held in February, 2013.
  • Lecture in the online Training on New Criminal Laws for Tripura and Meghalaya Police organised by Rashtriya Raksha University, Pasighat Campus, Arunachal Pradesh. (September 2024)
  • Three sessions in the “Three-Day Residential Training Course on Sensitization of Prison Officials Regarding the New Criminal Laws” for Police Officers of Gujarat Institute of Prison and Correctional Administration (GIPCA) organised by the School of Criminal Law and Military Law, Rashtriya Raksha University (June 2024)
  • Lecture in the “Five-Day Training Programme for Law Officers of the National Investigation Agency (N.I.A.)” organised by the School of Criminal Law and Military Law, Rashtriya Raksha University (June 2024)
  • Lecture on ‘Emphasis on Forensic Investigation in the New Criminal Laws’ in the One Week Faculty Development Programme (Online) on “Advancing Legal Understanding – Embracing the Three New Criminal Laws” organised by the School of Criminal Law and Military Law, Rashtriya Raksha University (May 2024)
  • Lecture to senior police officials in the workshop on the “Guidelines and Instructions issued by the Election Commission of India” organised Police Training School, Dadra and Nagar Haveli & Daman and Diu in collaboration with Rashtriya Raksha University (April 2024).
  • Lecture to police officials in thee editions of the Crash Course on “Sensitization on new Criminal Laws” organised by Police Training School, Dadra and Nagar Haveli & Daman and Diu in collaboration with Rashtriya Raksha University (January, February)
  • Four sessions in the Five-Day Training Programme on “Women Safety” jointly organised by Rashtriya Raksha University, Police Training School, Dadra and Nagar Haveli & Daman and Diu in collaboration with the Bureau of Police Research & Development (December 2023)
  • Two lectures on the Arms Act 1959, the Explosive Substances Act 1908 and Offences against the Human Body under the Indian Penal Code in the three months Basic Course in Corporate Security Management for Security Officers of Vedanta organised at Rashtriya Raksha University, India. (May 2023)
  • Lecture on ‘Strengthening the Judiciary for effective conflict resolution’ for officials from Togo in training programme on Conflict Management organised by Rashtriya Raksha University under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (iTEC) Programme (February 2024).
  • Delivered lectures in nine editions of the Training on Conviction Rate Improvement Project for Gujarat Police Personnel at Gujarat State Police Academy, Karai, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. (January, February, March April, May, and June, October 2023)
  • Two lectures on the Arms Act 1959, the Explosive Substances Act 1908 and certain Offences against the Human Body under the Indian Penal Code in the three months Basic Course in Corporate Security Management for Security Officers of Vedanta organised at Rashtriya Raksha University, India. (January 2023)
  • Lecture on ‘Legal framework on human right laws according to provisions of UN-CRDP – Economic, social, and cultural rights’ in the “Training Programe on Good Governance for Officials of Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority- Cambodia”, organised at Rashtriya Raksha University, India (January 2023)
  • Eexpert talk on “Provisions of NDPS Act” in the three days Online Training Programme on “Investigation of NDPS Cases and Trafficking” (June 2022)
  • Lectures on “Constitutionality of Deception Detection Techniques” in four editions of the One Week Capacity Building Programme for Law Officers of the Central Bureau of Investigation organized by the School of Security, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Rashtriya Raksha University (May, June, July and August 2022)
  • Lecture on the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 for the Capacity Building Program for the ‘Friends of Police for Women and Children’ (FFWC) organized by the Center of Excellence for Child Protection at the School of Security, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Rashtriya Raksha University, India in partnership with UNICEF and CID Crime and Missing Cell. (January 2022)
  • Faculty Seminar on ‘The Doctrine of Implied Limitation: Revisiting Kesavananda Bharati’, organized by School of Security, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Rashtriya Raksha University. (June 2021)
  • Lecture on “Counter-Terrorism” as an expert speaker in the “Combined Annual Training Camp” organized at National Cadet Corps at Rashtriya Raksha University (February 2021)
  • Member of the Core Committee of the 1st RRU International Moot Court Competition 2024, organized by the School of Criminal Law and Military Law, Rashtriya Raksha University, Lavad, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. (December 2024)
  • Coordinator of the Certificate Programme on ‘International Refugee Law and Practice’, jointly organised by the School of Criminal Law and Military Law, Rashtriya Raksha University and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (June 2024)
  • Member of the Core Committee of the 1st RRU National Moot Court Competition 2023, organized by the School of National Security and Law, Rashtriya Raksha University, Lavad, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. (August 2023)
  • Programme coordinator of the “One-Day Training Program for State Police Officers on Cyber Forensics and Cyber Crime Investigation”, organised by the School of National Security and Law, Rashtriya Raksha University. (June 2023)
  • Nodal Officer of Capacity Building Programmes for Law Officers of the Central Bureau of Investigation organized by Rashtriya Raksha University (7 Editions organised – March, May, June, July, August, September and October)
  • Member of organising committee for the Five Day Online Training Programme on ‘Advance Forensic Investigation and Court Proceedings for Lawyers’, organized by the Centre for Public Safety, School of Security, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Rashtriya Raksha University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. (November/December 2021)
  • Co Course coordinator of One Year LL.M. (Criminal and Security Laws) program at Rashtriya Raksha University
  • Member of Staff Orientation, Welfare, Grievances Redressal Committee at Rashtriya Raksha University
  • Exam Nodal Officer, SCLML
  • Course coordinator of MA/MSc Criminology and Crime Science degree programe at Rashtriya Raksha University (January 2024 to July 2024)
  • Assistant Director of the School of Security, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Rashtriya Raksha University (January 2022 to July 2023)
  • Nodal Officer for Capacity Building Programmes for Law Officers of the Central Bureau of Investigation organized by Rashtriya Raksha University