Indicators of Achievement

To become a premier security university in the nation in terms of education, research, training and extension

  • High standard of internal and external teaching with innovations in teaching and evaluation by professionals, experts, teachers, practitioners and learned individuals, by maintaining high representation of armed, para-military, security forces and adequate representation of civilian faculty, students and participants
  • To provide greater academic and research coordination between different arms of the Indian State.
  • To initiate high-standard inter-service training and knowledge sharing programs for capability of other services.
  • To undertake joint projects through inter-service attachments.
  • To contribute towards preparing and training induction of service officers into administration and administrative officers into operational units and bases.
  • Establishment of Dedicated Schools and Centers for Teaching, Research, Extension and Training for Air and Space, Navy, Army, Internal Law and Order – Internal Security and Police Administration (ISPA); Counter-Insurgency and Counter-Terrorism (CICT); Information Technology and Cyber Security (ITCS); Forensic Science and Risk Management (FCRM); Criminology and Crime Science (CCS); Foreign Languages and Security Culture (FLSC); Security Law, Policy and Governance (SLPG); Physical Education and Sports (PES); Maritime, Air and Space Studies (MASS); Neighbourhood Foreign and Military Affairs (NFMA); Strategic Learning and Joint Logistics (SLJL); Security Procurement, Manufacturing and Export (SPME); Military Affairs, History and Strategies (MAHS); Border Management and Intelligence (BMI); Security Technology and Management (STM); (in gradual manner) •Students – 66% from armed, military, para-military and security forces and agencies, 33% civilians.
  • Availability of 50% faculty with PhD in security, strategy and interdisciplinary fields, 30% faculty with more than 25 years of experience in operational, tactical and strategic institutions and forces
  • To provide training, means and methods to professionals to become excellent teachers suited to the academic environment
  • Creation of a solid Research-Based Teaching and Training University Model (RbTTU)
  • To engage faculty, professionals and specialists to conduct specialized research on strategic and security history of India
  • Creation of a separate faculty and staff cadre for Research and Training and Extension
  • Various credit courses, online programs, national and international academy in strategic and security and interdisciplinary subjects
  • Working paper series under Various Schools and Centers
  • Co-operative Teaching Approach between Professionals, Practitioners and Teachers
  • Establishment of Academic Staff College for Strategic and Security Professionals and Teachers of India and Foreign Countries
  • Publication of 100 research papers, monographs, edited works, etc. by the University faculty and staff •Regular publication of the University Journals and increase in the subscription of the University journals

To provide excellent security education, training and career service to students and participants

  • To develop and sustain partnership and working relationship, including affiliations, with Professional Security, Police and Military Education  Institutions, namely, Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPRD), NCRB, National Defense College,, College of Defense Management, Defence Services Staff College, National Defense Academy, among others.
  • Develop and equip participants and students with leadership, executive, entrepreneurship and communications skills
  • Mainstreaming “Experiential Learning” as a new Teaching Method to facilitate the goal of “direct engagement” with national challenges and issues
  • Strengthening of Academic Support Programs for students with special needs
  • To develop high standards in Strategic Thinking, War-Gaming, Defense Negotiations, Intelligence Gathering  and other related Competitions and Activities within the University and outside
  • Organisation of Annual University Strategic and Security Dialogue with national & foreign participants, like Munich Security Conference
  • Promoting research culture among the students through scholarship and grants, student research associates, research development council and other activities
  • Initiation and smooth functioning of the Strategic and Security Incubation Centres promoting entrepreneurship among graduates
  • Special assistance to students joining police and para-military forces and committing to grass-root changes

To create an excellent Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for the development of the nation and the society at large

  • To tap potential and draw from the expertise, specialization and networking of strategic and security think-tanks of India and engage in mutually beneficial and cooperation partnership
  • Special lectures by Senior Policy-Makers, Security Experts, Police-Officials, Planners, Thinkers on a regular basis
  • To provide independent advice and recommendations on various compliance matters, organizational management, strategic planning resource management and other matters of interest to the national security objectives
  • Public Education and Awareness on Strategic Security Culture and Communication
  • Training programmes involving members of bar and bench and other executive institutions
  • Initiation and scaling-up of consultancy services to national and international strategic and security institutions
  • To develop and obtain funding for research projects aiming at contributing to security and strategic policy-formulation and policy-implementation
  • To fill the gap between academic community and forces and government machinery for mutual benefits
  • To help in training procurement and financial management courses.

To manage human and financial resources effectively and efficiently

  • Achievement of a self-sustaining University and creation of INR 50 Crore Corpus Fund through fund-raising, an establishment of chairs, centre of excellence, training programs, conferences and extension activities for national and international participants
  • Faculty and Staff Development Program; creation of a Strategic and Security Academic Staff College for Teachers and Researchers
  • Rigorous Performance Management Appraisal System for academic and non-academic staff and recognition of outstanding performers
  • Availability and consistently increasing scholarships and funding assistance to students for overall professional development
  • Promotion of Research-Based Administration University (RbAU)

To acquire and consolidate national as well as a global reputation

  • Initiation of collaboration with 10 Security, Police, Defense and Strategic Universities and Institutions of Leading Nations of the World – USA, Russia, UK, France, South Africa, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Japan, among others.
  • Regular organisation of Meetings, Dialogues and Interactions with National and Foreign Institutions and Individuals to promote programs of schools and centers
  • Contribution of at least 10 research papers by faculty in leading international strategic and security journals
  • Organization of annual conference for each of the main Theme of the Schools
  • Make maximum use of IT facilities in all teaching, training and extension programs

Excellence in Governance mechanisms, processes and reporting

  • Establishment of Tri-partite Councils for Teaching, Research, Extension and Training to bring the Principle of Jointness at all times, consisting of security forces, academicians, and civil society eminent personalities
  • Timely organization of meetings of all statutory bodies as well as internal committees
  • Communication of outcomes of meetings to all relevant stakeholders in a timely manner

Availability of physical, social, cultural and sports environment to achieve high academic, knowledge, cultural and social standards

  • Best possible campus to promote wholesome development of individuals while in the campus
  • Establishment and proper maintenance of the campus in terms of cleanliness, hygiene standards, aesthetic appearance, and ecological friendliness, green cover, etc.
  • Availability of excellent training and sports infrastructure meeting the needs of key stakeholders
  • Availability of state-of-art auditorium, conference halls, moot halls, canteen, and cultural facilities
  • Life at The University: Driven, Vibrant, Sportive, Dynamic, Learning and Globally-Spirited Overall Environment