Dr. Daljeet Singh Manhas, IPS
(DGP, Retd.)
Emeritus Resource Faculty, School of Forensics, Risk Management & National Security (SFSRMNS).RRU.
Phone No. – 01853272275, 08146615504
Email – daljeets_46@yahoo.com
About Dr. Daljeet Singh Manhas, IPS (DGP, Retd.)
Educational Qualifications
- Ph.D,2007, Aligarh Muslim Uni. (U.P) , Thesis was on Leadership Styles & Organisational Effectiveness
- MBA,1985-87, University of Hawaii (USA) Org. Behaviour , HRD & Intl Cross-cultural mgt., Intl. Business, Ethics in governance and Business.
- M.Sc.(Physics),1972-74, University of Delhi ,Solid State Physics
- B.Sc(Hons.)Physics, 1969-72, University of Delhi, Physics,Chemistry,Mathematics
Professional Qualifications
- Diploma, 1983-84, H.P.University, Yoga Studies
- Diploma, 1982, DCPC Delhi (Pol. Comp. Centre), System Analysis & Design,COBOL Programming, Fortran
- Diploma, 1981-83, AIMA Delhi, Mgt. Science/Ops. Research
- Diploma, 1976-77, Forest research Institute Dehradun India Forest Resources, Management Planning
- Advanced Diploma, 1972-75, Delhi University, German Language and Literature
- Criminology Basic Course Short Prof. Course, 1977-78, 1999, National Police Academy Hyderabad, Security, Criminal law, Crime Investigation, Police Mgt. Human Rights- violations & Investigation.
- Professional Course, 1998, National Frontier Academy Gwaldam UP, Course on counter terrorism and counter insurgency& guerilla war fare
- Professional Course, 2001, National Industrial Security Academy Hyderabad (India), Course on Disaster Management
- Additional Secretary, RSSB Educational & Environmental Society since January,2014:I am looking after the secretarial functions of the Society which manages the Solar Power Project at Beas and an educational charitable school for the local children at Beas. I was earlier heading the human resource department of the society which has over 1500 officers and volunteers working in the social sector in Beas Punjab.
- Director General Police & Director General State Vigilance & Anticorruption Bureau. Head of the state police service organization and as head of State vigilance and anticorruption organization I manage the entire gamut of vigilance. Personnel management, financial management, financial management, security management of the personnel, crime records & premises is my responsibility. Detection of frauds, investigation into corruption related complaints & cases against the senior executives including the political executives and prosecution of the same in courts is my area of responsibility, formulation of anti corruption strategies, taking steps to suggest changes in procedures and methods so that opportunities of corruption are reduced. Suggestions for changes in legislation and rules is also job charter. Liaison with legislature, media ,civil society and other organs of the govt. for making society and governance corruption free are other functions.
- Additional Director General of Police (CID/Armed Police & Training). Since December 2003, I had been in charge of intelligence collection, crime investigation into special category cases, armed police battalions and training functions of Himachal Police including counter terrorism training apart from Human Resources Management functions. I was also in charge of Police Training College of HP Police. I was also the operational commander of the counter terrorism operations on Jammu and Kashmir border with HP. I was also involved in planning and execution of development functions being undertaken by HP Police amongst the border population and counter propaganda in the border population. I attended the strategic management course in Washington USA in August, 2006 in crisis management antiterrorist activities specially the human resources and intelligence management. The programme was in collaboration with Lousiana State University USA.
- IG Vigilance Govt. Of HP Shimla. January-December, 2003, after repatriation from the govt. of India I am performing the duties of IG vigilance. Apart from the HRD, financial control and administrative functions for the organisation, I am the supervisory officer for all the inquiries, and investigation of vigilance cases against the public servants including the ministers. There were a number of cases investigated by the department against the senior public servants including political executives. Appropriate liaison with the legislature, media and the government is another important part of the work charter.
- I.G. SSB (DIVISIONAL ORGANISER) OFFICE, J&K,HP & PUNJAB DIVISION Jammu (August, 1997-January, 2003) : Personnel administrative and financial and budgetary control, security functions of the Divisional Office and other units having 4500 employees in the States of Punjab, J&K and Himachal. Planning and monitoring of the training courses. Special emphasis is on disaster management, organizing rescue relief operations both in man made as well as natural disasters like snow avalanche, floods, forest fires, earthquakes, land slides cloud burst situations. Distribution of relief arranging relief, setting up of relief camps is also done.Training as well as carrying out the actual operations in anti terrorism was my job charter. Part of the job charter was supervision of Indo-China border patrolling and security of border population along Indo-China as well as Indo-Pakistan borders (J&K). Capacity building for the population for the community based development projects. Programme evaluation was done. Forest and environment conservation works were undertaken and supervised.
- DY. INSPECTOR GENERAL (PERS./TRG./WORKS/ Nuclear and Space cneters). CISF Delhi & Director National Industrial Security Academy Hyderabad 1996-97. Looking after HRD &HRM, recruitment, promotion and Finance functions of the force. I was also heading the training Directorate of CISF catering for around 90,000 Officers and men providing security covers to all public sector undertakings. I supervised the training administration of the entire force. I was Incharge and direct control of 6 Training Centers and one Training Academy National Industrial Security Academy employing approximately 2500 Officers and men. Supervision of construction projects of entire CISF, involving cost of Rs. 170 Millions per annum. I also investigated Industrial disasters, prepared and executed contingency plans including terrorist strikes in nuclear power plants & Hydropowerprojects.Managing rescue& relief operations in industrial situations was another key areas of my responsibility. Capacity building of training institutions & programme evaluation were my specialty.
- WEST YORKSHIRE POLICE COMMAND COURSE. 1994 Three months overseas command course, study of computer systems, crime intelligence and operation systems, counter terrorism operations in Ireland and Financial management system. Leadership and Management issues especially w.r.t. privatization and civilianisation of Police services.
- DIRECTOR FORENSIC SCIENCE LABORATORY CUM DY. INSPECTOR GENERAL (ADMINISTRATION): Personnel Management functions of training, budgeting and financial management of force of 12,000 Officers and men of HP. Inventory control & procurement of equipment. Management of technology and automation in Forensic Science Laboratory were part of my job. Quality control and standardization of testing procedures was another key area of my job.
- WEDC STUDY FELLOW AT WEDC. Loughborough University of Technology, UK. I attended a course on Solid Waste Management including hazardous waste in 1992. I did a study of nuclear waste management practices in UK. Impact anlysis of hazardous waste management practices was also carried out.
- COMMISSIONER, MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, SHIMLA. 1984-85, 1987-88, 1991-92 onwards, Public Health Management, Overall Incharge of Municipal Corporation Resource Management, Financial Management, Urban Planning, Public Health Management for the State Capital of Himachal Pradesh apart from MIS Management. Management of public utilities was part of my job. I also carried out Inventory control and Procurement functions Supervision. I was the Chief Executive Officer of the development authority. Studies on sustainable development, ecotourism and alternate urban waste disposal were conducted and implemented. Management of pension funds and the investment strategies for the same were also done effectively. Management of muncipal forests and treatement of water catchment area was another key thrust area. Capacity building of the fringe population for the community based development projects and evaluation of the programmes were also done by me.
- FELLOW AT EAST WEST CENTRE, HAWAII, USA. 1985-87, worked on research project “Synergy of Science & Technology with culture & tradition for development in South Asia” in open grants in the population institute. The impact of culture and tradition values on scientific and rational development paradigms was the major thrust in this study both at theoretical as well as practical aspects in the field.
- SENIOR SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE SHIMLA. 1988-91 Crime detection investigation and prevention, Personnel Management & Financial Management of District Police with the strength of 1500 Officers and men were my major functions. Special emphasis on detection and prevention of smuggling of narcotics was laid. Security of vital installation was also managed. Executive security management, Environment conservation and checking of illicit traffic in wild life and timber were some of other functions. Evaluation of crime fighting programmes. Security of high-risk prisoners was also managed. Planning and execution of counter terrorist operations on the borders.
- ASSISTANT IG POLICE and Railways 1983-84. As Assistant IGP formulation of traffic policy, crime prevention, detection & investigation, inventory management, financial control of various administrative and traffic units in Himachal Pradesh were the major functions. Monitoring of Highway patrols and Rail Road traffic security was also managed. Evaluation of crime prevention policies was done by me.
- DEPUTY DIRECTOR, ENFORCEMENT, 1981-82.Taxation Policy of the State and enforcement of taxation laws were main functions. Enforcement of environmental laws and checking of illicit traffic in timber & wild life were other functions. Detection and investigation of white-collar crime, frauds, forest crime, wild life crime and drug related cases were the other charter of duty. Evaluation of enforcement & fraud prevention programmes, money laundering and drug related cases were the other part of duty.
- ASSISTANT CONSERVATOR OF FORESTS, 1976-77.: Management of forest resources including wildlife and afforestation planning in addition to routine administrative function like office and personnel management, financial control and budgeting were the main functions. Evaluation of afforestion, and wild life management programme was also undertaken .
- OFFICER GRADE B RESERVE BANK OF INDIA, 1976: I looked after regulation work of the currency issue department. Evaluationof rural and agricultural financing programmes were done by me. xv) ASSISTANT MANAGER, CANARA BANK, 1975-76 I was doing Loan appraisal and project loans disbursal in Canara Bank especially agricultural and development loans apart from routine administrative functions. I was also doing routine banking operations & deposit mobilisation.
- MANAGEMENT TRAINEE DCM, 1975-TEXTILE DIVISION: Development of transportation models for finished products from various units to Delhi markets and supervision of marketing functions of textile and electronic divisions of DCM group of companies.
- RESEARCH AND TEACHING, 1974-75: I conducted Research in Solid State Physics as CSIR fellow in Delhi University Centre for Advanced Research in Physics and Astrophysics and teaching Physics to graduates of Hindu College, Delhi University.