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The Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS) is an educational framework that is designed to provide students with flexibility in choosing courses and subjects as part of their academic curriculum. It aims to allow students to tailor their education according to their interests, aptitude, and career goals, while also providing a standardized system for credit accumulation and transfer.

Key features of the Choice-Based Credit System include

  1. Credit-Based Learning: Under CBCS, courses are assigned credits based on their academic content, workload, and learning outcomes. Each course is associated with a certain number of credits, and students need to accumulate a specified number of credits to complete their degree.
  2. Flexibility:Students have the flexibility to choose courses from a wide range of subjects offered by their institution. This allows them to pursue interdisciplinary studies and explore diverse areas of knowledge beyond their major field of study.
  3. Choice of Electives: CBCS often includes a mix of core courses, elective courses, and skill-based courses. Core courses are typically mandatory for a particular program, while elective courses offer students the option to choose from a pool of subjects that align with their interests.
  4. Continuous Assessment:CBCS emphasizes continuous assessment and evaluation throughout the academic term, rather than relying solely on end-of-semester examinations. This can include assignments, projects, presentations, quizzes, and other forms of assessment.
  5. Grading System: CBCS often employs a grading system that provides a detailed assessment of a student's performance, usually on a predetermined scale (e.g., letter grades or grade points).
  6. Skill Development: The system may include skill-based courses or components to enhance students' practical and employability skills.
  7. Transparency and Choice:CBCS promotes transparency by providing detailed information about the content, outcomes, and assessment methods of each course, allowing students to make informed choices.

The implementation of the Choice-Based Credit System varies from one educational institution to another and from one country to another. It is intended to provide a more student-centric approach to education, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and a broader understanding of various subjects. This system is often seen as a response to the changing needs of students and the dynamic demands of the modern workforce.

List of Open Papers Under Choice-Based Credit System (Old Students)

Bachelor Programmes Semester – 7

S.No. Paper Code Name of Paper Credit No of open Seats Type of Paper (Theory / Practical) Programme School
1 G7AD28CCP Contemporary Crime and Policing 4 20 Theory BASM SISSP
2 G7AD27ICM India’s Coastal-Maritime Security 4 10 Theory BADSS SISDSS
3 G7AD34MLR Machine Learning 4 5 Theory/Practical B.Tech SITAICS
4 G7AD32IPK International Peace keeping & Security 4 10 Theory BAILS SICMSS

Total Seats – 45

Bachelor Programmes Semester – 5

S.No. Paper Code Name of Paper Credit No of open Seats Type of Paper (Theory / Practical) Programme School
1 G5AD17CID Criminal Investigation and Drafting 4 20 Theory BASM SISSP
2 G5AD18STT Strategic Thought 4 10 Theory BDSS SISDSS
3 G5AD24ARI Artificial Intelligence 4 5 Lecture, Practical B.Tech SITAICS
4 G5AD30SC -V Strength and Conditioning-V 2 20 Practical BPES SPES
5 G5D05NAV NCC – ARMY – V 7 Theory & Practical NCC Army SISDSS
6 G5D05NNV NCC –NAVY – V 7 Theory & Practical NCC Navy SISDSS

Total Seats – 55

Common Timetable for old BATCH:

Graduation Programmes

Registration Window for Old BATCH

Programme Level Semester Registration Tab Registration Open Date Registration Closing Date Status Tab
Graduation Programmes Semester-5 Click here 23-07-2024 24-07-2024 Click here
Graduation Programmes Semester-7 Click here 23-07-2024 24-07-2024 Click here


  • Registration through only RRU official Email id
  • CBCS Subject Selection for old students will start on 23-07-2024 and will End on 24-07-2024
  • The timing of subject selection is between 9:30 am to 12:30 pm for all above mentioned days.
  • The Link of the status of the subject selection will be available after 6:30 pm till the next morning on the CBCS Page.
  • The students can go physically contact the AO/AACs & CBCS school representatives for any queries.
  • In case of any dispute regarding CBCS, the decision of the university shall be final and binding.
  • The Number of seats and papers are subject to vary as per availability.

SEP/ AEP / Open Paper Under Choice-Based Credit System (New BATCH)

Skill Enhancement Paper(offered to PG)
S. No. School Name of Paper No. of Seats Paper code
1 SICSSL English Language Proficiency: Spoken, Written and Comprehension Skills 50 Seats GSC01ELP
2 SITAICS Basics of Information Communication Technology 50 Seats GSC03ICT
3 SISSP Road Safety Education 40 Seats GSC04RSE
4 SBSFI Mental Illness and Ancient Indian Practices – 40 Seats

Ability Enhancement Paper(offered to UG)
S. No. School Name of Paper No. of Seats Paper code
1 SCLML Constitutional Law and Human Rights 40 Seats GAC01CHR
2 SISDSS Personality Development, Soft Skills and Communication 50 Seats GAC02PDC
3 SISSA Disaster Risk Reduction 40 Seats GAC03DRR

Post Graduate Open Paper(offered to PG)
S. No. School Name of Paper No. of Seats
1 SISSP Counter Terrorism Measures & Strategies 15 Seats
2 SITAICS Cyber Laws and Intellectual Property Rights 10 Seats

Undergraduate Open Paper(offered to UG)
S. No. School Name of Paper No. of Seats
1 SISSP Internal Security Challenges 25 Seats
2 SISDSS Insurgency & Counter Insurgency 20 Seats
3 SITAICS Internet of Things 05 Seats
List of Ability Enhancement Papers Options for Masters Degree Program
Ability Enhancement Pappers Offered under the CBCS (4 Credit)
S. No. School Offeres Name of Paper No. of Seats Paper code Masters Semester
1 SNSL Constitutional Law and Human Rights 40 seats GAC01CHR Sem I , III
2 SISDSS Personality Development, Soft Skills and Communication 50 seats GAC02PDC Sem I , III
3 SISPA Disaster Management 40 seats GAC03DRR Sem I , III
4 SBSFI Foundation to Behavioral Health 50 seats GAC04IPR Sem I , III
Mandatry Papers Offered under the CBCS (8 Credit)
S. No. School Offeres Name of Paper No. of Seats Paper code Masters Semester
1 SPES Health & Fitness Management All Students M2M01HFM Sem II
2 SISDSS National Security & Security Architecture All Students M1M02NSA Sem I
List of Skill Enhancement Papers Options for Bachelor Degree Program
Skill Enhancement Pappers Offered under the CBCS (2 Credit)
S. No. School Offeres Name of Paper No. of Seats Paper code Graduation Semester
1 SICSSL English Language Proficiency: Spoken, Written and Comprehension Skills (This course will be offered on Tuesday and Thursday) 50 Seats GSC01ELP Sem I, III, V, VII
2 SICSSL Communicative English: Mastering LSRW Skills (This course will be offered on Monday and Wednesday) 50 Seats GSC02CES Sem I, III, V, VII
3 SITAICS Ethics Values and Society 120 Seats GSC02EVS Sem I, III, V, VII
4 SITAICS Basics of Information Communication Technology 50 Seatss GSC03ICT Sem I, III, V, VII
5 SISSP Road Safety Education 40 Seats GSC04RSE Sem I, III, V, VII
6 SBSFI Mental Illness and Ancient Indian Practices 40 seats GSC04MAI Sem I, III, V, VII
7 SBSFI Mental Health, Family, and Culture 40 seats GSC05MFC Sem I, III, V, VII
8 SPES Olympics and Interdisciplinary Studies 40 seats Sem I, III, V, VII
Mandatry Papers Offered under the CBCS (8 Credit)
S. No. School Offeres Name of Paper No. of Seats Paper code Graduation Semester
1 SPES Health & Fitness Management All Students G1M01HFM Sem. I
2 SISDSS National Security & Security Architecture All Students G2M02NSSA Sem. II

Registration Window for New BATCH

Programme Level Semester Registration Tab Status Tab Registration Open Date Registration Closing Date
Undergraduate AEP Semester-4,6,8 Click Here Click Here 8/1/2025 8/1/2025
Post Graduate SEP Semester-4 Click Here Click Here 8/1/2025 8/1/2025
Open Paper for Undergraduate Semester-6,8 Click Here Click Here 8/1/2025 8/1/2025


  • The timing of subject selection is between 9:00 am to 12:30 pm for all above mentioned days.
  • The students can go physically contact the AO/AACs & CBCS school representatives for any queries.
  • In case of any dispute regarding CBCS, the decision of the university shall be final and binding.
  • The Number of seats and papers are subject to vary as per availability.


School of Internal Security and SMART Policing (SISSP)

Mr. Sagar Ghodasara

Teaching Cum Research Associate

Mr. Mahesh Khushlani

Administrative Officer

School of Internal Security, Defense, and Strategic Studies (SISDSS)

Ms. Nasima Khatoon

Assistant Professor (Research)

Mr. Bhargav Patel

Administrative Officer

School of Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security (SITAICS)

Mr. Vivek Joshi

Assistant Professor

Ms. Khushali Patel

Administrative Assistant Cum Coordinator

School of Criminal Law and Military Law (SCLML)

Mr. Apoorva Mathur

Assistant Professor

Mr. Gaurav Shah

Administrative Officer

School of Behavioural Sciences and Forensic Investigations (SBSFI)

Ms. Anshu Singh

Teaching cum Research Associate (Forensic Accounting & Financial Investigation)

Mr. Chirag Patel

Administrative Assistant cum Coordinator

School of Integrated Coastal and Maritime Security Studies (SICMSS)

Mrs. Manjari Chandra

Assistant Director

Ms. Antima Singh

Administrative Officer

School of International Cooperation, Security and Strategic Languages (SICSSL)

Ms. Amruta Karambelkar

Assistant Professor

Ms. Nikita Panchal

Administrative Assistant cum Coordinator

School of Physical Education and Sports (SPES)

Ms. Phurailatpam Laxmikumari Devi

Assistant Professor

Mr.Dipak Kumar Purohit

Administrative Officer

School of Private, Industrial and Corporate Security Management (SPICSM)

Dr. Isha Arora

Project Assistant – SPICSM

Mr. Winim Modi

Marketing & Placement Coordinator

